Two events during Save The Children Week brought in over £500 for the Rossendale branch. A day’s collecting at TESCO Haslingden netted £365 and a bric-a-brac stall at Rawtenstall market the following day added £150 to the Week’s total.
Rossendale branch Treasurer Mollie Lancaster said “Our collections at TESCO are always successful. The people of Rossendale are so generous. One gentleman brought in a carrier bag half full with 1p and 2p coins which, when I counted them all, came to nearly £23, which for a supermarket collection really is amazing.” Mrs Lancaster added: “Our charity stall at the market is always based on selling bargains to our customers, but even so we made a good profit, and the unsold items went to other charity shops in Rawtenstall so our efforts helped them, too.”
Save the Children Rossendale’s interim Chairman, Sheila Wild, was also happy with the result of the Week’s fundraising. She said “We run the branch with a small and very willing committee, but we are always on the lookout for new members. Save the Children is a national charity but local fundraising is important and anyone who can help with new ideas or an extra pair of hands at our regular events would be made welcome.” She added: “Our AGM will be held on Monday 14th May and anybody can come along if they’d like to hear about our fundraising work or join our group.”
Save the Children Rossendale meets at St James the Less schoolroom in Rawtenstall at 7.30pm on the second Monday of each month from March to November. For more information on the branch ‘phone 01706 226857.