A truly beautiful and emotional video, this is how the journey was for one family travelling from Hungary to Germany followed by how you can help refugee children and the #helpiscoming video featuring Benedict Cumberbatch
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Thousands of refugees were sleeping rough at Budapest’s Keleti station, waiting for trains to take them to western Europe. Then, they just got up and walked. Guardian journalist and filmmaker John Domokos went with them, every step of the way. This is the story of one Syrian family, and those who came out to help
John Domokos Mustafa Khalili Richard Sprenger Noah Payne-Frank, theguardian.com
Thursday 10 September 2015 08.41 BST Last modified on Thursday 10 September 2015 09.25 BST
In the weeks following this video this journey had become even MORE difficult, almost impossible
So far this year, 350,000 desperate people have attempted the life-threatening journey to Europe. Thousands of them are children.
They have been forced to leave behind everything they have – their homes, their friends, sometimes even their families – in search of a life worth living. And those who survive the treacherous journey often arrive injured, exhausted, and unsure of what the future holds.
No child should have to go through this.
If you’ve been moved by the pictures and stories of the crisis, here are nine ways to help:
1. Donate money
We’re working across Europe to provide food, clothes and medical support to children arriving here. We’re also working in the countries where many of these children start their journey, trying to tackle poverty, violence and abuse of human rights. But we can’t do this work without your donations.
Donate online here. You can also make a cash donation at any of our Save the Children shops.
2. Add your voice
On 14 September, EU ministers will meet to discuss their response to tackle the crisis. We need to show them how much this decision matters – and that Europe needs to do more to help refugees.
Join us in our call for urgent action.
3. #RefugeesWelcome
You can also take a photo of yourself holding up a ‘#Refugees Welcome’ sign and share it on social media to show the world that this issue matters to you.

4. Spread the word
Share our Facebook and Twitter posts with your family and friends so that they can get behind our appeal and find out about the work that our teams are doing to give child refugees around the world the chance of a life free from persecution.
5. Interested in fostering a refugee child?
If you are thinking about fostering a refugee child, contact Foster Line which offers advice about fostering and can help you get in touch with the fostering services in your local area. You can contact them on 0800 040 7675, via their website www.fosterline.info or email enquires@fosterline.info. Foster Line is funded by the Department of Education and is delivered by Foster Talk.
6. I have a free room in my house
Many organisations in the UK operate accommodation hosting projects to help vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees.
NACCOM is an informal network of agencies providing accommodation to migrants.
7. I have a property that could be used to house refugees
Please contact your local authority. You will probably be redirected to their private sector housing team.
8. I want to volunteer to help refugees
Several charities and organisations are working with refugees across the UK. To find out more about volunteering opportunities in your area visit:
- the National Council for Voluntary Organisations
- Volunteer Scotland
- Volunteer Wales
- Volunteer Now (Northern Ireland)
You could also contact the Refugee Council.
9. I’m a professional who could help refugees integrate on arrival in the UK
Contact the Refugee Council.
However you choose to help
A beautiful song, a powerful video and an important message:
Soundtrack available to download from itunes 79p (at least 61p goes to Save the Children.)