Syria 4 years on


Satellite images show that 83% of the lights in Syria have gone out since March 2011. Years of brutal conflict have plunged Syria’s people into the dark.

As the civilian death toll rises, and the repercussions of violence are felt thousands of miles away, it is clear that we must call on our governments to do more to drive away the darkness and help turn the lights back on.


In February last year, the UN called for an end to attacks on civilians, and more humanitarian aid for the millions in need. Since then, over 15,000 civilians have been killed, many of them children. Access to relief has not improved and humanitarian funding has fallen compared to the needs.

This must change. Our governments must do more to end the suffering of the Syrian people.
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In March Justin Forsyth,  the CEO of Save the Children, made a visit to the region.

How else can we help the people of Syria?

By championing increased funding at an international aid conference on Syria on 31 March, Britain can help give every Syrian child access to school. – You can help make sure we do by emailing International Development Secretary Justine Greening – it takes just two minutes. – Just click here  (close the tab that opens to return here)

By making a donation here you can directly help our work in Syria