Category Archives: Education

Happy Easter

We hope you all have a joyful and happy Easter.
Being a Nestlé free zone we would like to disuade you from buying Nestlé eggs but why not go to the next step and buy a Fairtrade Egg, there is much more choice than you think.

Please watch this excellent video by Fairtrade Schools on where  cocoa beans come from and why Fairtrade is so important then view a selection of Fairtrade eggs

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The Experiences & Thoughts of A Kidnapped UN Aid Worker

Whilst we may ponder on the physical discomfort and upsetting sights and situations aid workers are confronted with we sometimes overlook the actual physical risks they face from their fellow human beings.

These risks have been tragically brought to the forefront recently with the death of 5 Save the Children aid workers in Afghanistan.
Before viewing Vincent Cochetel’s excellent video we would like to express our commiserations to the family and friends of  these 5 brave humanitarians. (article ammended for this paragraph 13/4/2015)

Continue reading The Experiences & Thoughts of A Kidnapped UN Aid Worker

Happy Easter

We hope you all have a joyful and happy Easter.
Being a Nestlé free zone we would like to disuade you from buying Nestlé eggs but why not go to the next step and buy a Fairtrade Egg, there is much more choice than you think.

Please watch this excellent video by Fairtrade Schools on where  cocoa beans come from and why Fairtrade is so important then view a selection of Fairtrade eggs

Continue reading Happy Easter