St Veronica RC Primary in Helmshore raise £185 for Save the Children

Class Two of St Veronica’s RC Primary School, Helmshore, chose Save The Children (SCF) as the charity for their Lent fundraising events, and invited Tim Nuttall of SCF Rossendale Branch along to receive a cheque for £185.

At the presentation, just after morning break, the 25 children gathered together to ask questions about the charity and to explain how they had raised the money. Scarlett Turner told Tim that the class had “enjoyed organising their own stalls, including a lucky dip, guess the teddy’s name (Ronald) and birthday, an Easter egg raffle, toy, book and DVD stall, a cake stall, rainbow stall, and darts.”

Jake Blackledge told Tim “We are delighted to tell you that we raised £185.07p for your charity”, and Clarissa Yau then presented the cheque. Class teacher Mrs Thompson and Teaching Assistant Ian Harrison explained that the children had been given information about several charities and the voted to raise funds for SCF because “they, as children, wanted to help other children”.

Tim Nuttall said “I was really impressed with the knowledge that the pupils already had about SCF and the questions they asked me. Another surprise was that each child had drawn a poster representing SCF’s work and they gave me a folder containing them all. I’ve promised that these will be used to decorate our future events.”

Tim also told the children that SCF works in 120 countries worldwide as well as in the UK and he gave them examples of how their money could be used. He said “Their magnificent fundraising of £185 means that SCF can pay for 105 jars of special baby food, or 36 packs of toys for children forced to flee their homes without any possessions, or 800 bars of nutritional ‘plumpynut’ which gives easily digestible food to malnourished toddlers.”